Kristin Cowart Pierce is a working mother and founder of an Atlanta-based public relations firm. A driven, type-A multitasker and CEO to an all-female team, she is perhaps most passionate about her role as Mom.
Motivated by her children’s constant questioning around why she had to leave every morning (when other moms got to stay home) and where she spent her days, the idea behind Mommies Work was born.
Part love letter to her children, part tribute to working moms everywhere, the book illustrates how women share their time and energy between career and family. She hopes Mommies Work will inspire mothers to remain committed to their dreams, while teaching young children that women can contribute to the workforce and still be incredible moms.

Kristin Cowart Pierce is a working mother and founder of an Atlanta-based public relations firm. A driven, type-A multitasker and CEO to an all-female team, she is perhaps most passionate about her role as Mom.
Motivated by her children’s constant questioning around why she had to leave every morning (when other moms got to stay home) and where she spent her days, the idea behind Mommies Work was born.
Part love letter to her children, part tribute to working moms everywhere, the book illustrates how women share their time and energy between career and family. She hopes Mommies Work will inspire mothers to remain committed to their dreams, while teaching young children that women can contribute to the workforce and still be incredible moms.

Mommies Work
“This is a MUST BUY for every working mom who feels the inevitable guilt of missing time at home when pursuing our careers. The book inspires new conversations with my son every time we read it and makes me feel that I am not alone in the struggle of work/life balance. Mommies Work helps your child understand it IS a balancing act, but nothing is more important than our titles as mothers. Kristin, thank you for writing this book!”
“As a working mom, I so wish I had this book when my girls were little! It beautifully illustrates the delicate balancing act we face each and every day. It’s important we show our children that it IS possible to have your career and family flourish simultaneously! Kristin, herself, is a shining example of someone who followed her passion and dreams.. while still prioritizing her most important job: mommy!”
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